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Youth Group




The LCG Youth Group — for youth 6th – 12th grades — meets every Friday night @6:30 p.m. Due to the pandemic, we alternate meeting virtually and meeting in person at LCG. The link is shared on our WhatsApp chat. Please don’t hesitate to join us! We share highs and lows of the week, play games, and have a devotion. We look forward to when we can gather in person more often and resume our normal activities.


Who: 6th to 12th grade youth 
When: 6:30 p.m. every Friday 
Where: Zoom and LCG (alternating weeks)

Join us!

For inquiries and to be added to the WhatsApp chat, please contact:

Youth & Education Chairwoman Lisa Barcinas: 777-8164 
[email protected]

Acolyte Youth Group

Lutheran Church of Guam