Pastor Andy Taylor was born in Texas close to the Mexican border. He went to high school in San Antonio, TX and attended Texas Lutheran University in Seguin, TX. He spent his last year of college in Tanzania, AFRICA as an exchange student. Pastor Andy was blessed to study with many Godly professors at several different seminaries where he learned to value the authority of the Scriptures and the powerful love of our Faithful God. Pastor Andy was privileged to study in Israel with one of his professors for 12 weeks and be immersed in the land of the Bible. Pastor Andy has served a number of congregations in Texas as well as in Fairfax, VA. Pastor Andy is married to his lovely wife, Liz Taylor, who hails from Indonesia. They have 2 beautiful daughters, Abigail and Sophia, who they currently homeschool through a program called Classical Conversations. Pastor Andy enjoys playing volleyball, reading and traveling, just to name a few items on his list. The Taylors are excited to be in Guam and see what adventures the Lord has for them and LCG as we lift up the Name of Jesus!