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Worship & Fellowship



  • We gather each Sunday at 9:30am to hear God’s Word, receive the Lord’s Supper and respond in praise and thanksgiving! In the past, we have offered two worship services, an early traditional (liturgical) service and a later contemporary service but since COVID we’ve been only able to offer one blended service—but it’s great! Our music is terrific, our preaching is solid and God’s grace is experienced in manifold ways! Join us!
  • Holy Week! We start our observance of this special week with a Palm Sunday celebration: a beautifully decorated sanctuary, a palm-waving procession of children and the singing of “Hosanna!” We move to our Maundy Thursday service, which varies in presentation. This past year we did a Service of the Upper Room, simulating what it might have been like that night in Jerusalem when Jesus observed the Passover with His disciples, instituting what we now call Holy Communion and washing their feet as an example of servanthood. Our Good Friday service varies, as well. This past year we offered a very moving Tenebrae Service, hearing homilies by our seven lay pastors, each speaking about one of the seven last “words” of Jesus from the cross, as the sanctuary is slowly darkened. At the end the altar is stripped, symbolizing the humiliation and crucifixion of Jesus.
  • We begin our observance of the Resurrection as the women that first Easter did, in the dark. We offer a 6am sunrise beachside service, reflecting upon what it might have been like that first Easter—and what Jesus’ absence from the tomb means for us! Our festive Easter service is at our usual 9:30am worship hour and features flowers galore, a special Easter choir, instrumental music and a strong Easter message. Afterward, the children enjoy an Easter egg hunt on the playground and a FANTASTIC potluck Easter brunch helps us to celebrate all-the-more! Easter Sunday at LCG is indeed special!
  • Easter Breakfast and Egg Hunt, March 31. In between our two Easter services, we’ll enjoy the simplicity of coffee and doughnuts together but then, following our festive 9:30 am service, the children will enjoy an egg hunt and everyone will feast at our delicious Easter Brunch. Bring a generous dish to share!
  • Thanksgiving Eve, November 20. We gather together to ask the Lord’s blessing—and to thank Him for His manifold blessings to us! Join us for this time of reflective thanks followed by a tasty pie social.
  • Christmas Eve, December 24. While this service has yet to be planned, be assured we will be celebrating Jesus’ Nativity in a special way!
  • Pentecost Sunday! It’s sometimes called The Birthday of the Church and we usually go all out celebrating the coming of the promised Holy Spirit upon the Church. Wear red, symbolic of the fire of the Holy Spirit! Our sanctuary, once again, is beautifully decorated in red and the coffee fellowship following is assuredly “red,” as well! Special music, worshipers reciting John 3:16 in their various languages (and we have many at LCG) and an all-round Holy Spirit emphasis make Pentecost at LCG another special occasion!


We need volunteers to help with all these services: ushers, greeters, acolytes, communion assistants, Altar Guild helpers and a myriad of other tasks. Don’t wait to be asked: volunteer!





At LCG, we love to celebrate…just about anything! Here are some of our usual fellowship events…


  • Mardi Gras Pancake Supper & Talent Show
  • Lenten soup & bread suppers (Wednesday nights before worship/study)
  • Easter Sunday Breakfast
  • Mother’s Day Café
  • Father’s Day Café
  • Liberation Day (July 21) festivities
  • Oktoberfest (celebrating Lutheranism’s Germanic heritage)
  • Advent Progressive Dinner
  • Christmas Cookie Exchange
  • Dolphin Watching/Snorkeling Boat Cruise
  • Tender Shepherd Teachers’ Blessing


And there’s more! There are frequent impromptu gatherings to celebrate birthdays, promotions, weddings and life—and almost always these gatherings involve food! We eat well at LCG! Because our members come from such different cultural backgrounds, our potlucks are amazing! Jesus told us to love one another—and our fellowship events are designed to help us do just that!


Lutheran Church of Guam