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Join a Committee


“Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many.” 1 Corinthians 12:12-14

Use the gifts God has given you to help fulfill the mission of the Lutheran Church of Guam! Serving on a committee is a great way to get to know other LCG members while helping to bring God’s word to the community and our congregation. To get connected to one, speak to the chairperson noted below at church on Sunday, or contact the church office at


Property Committee    
Chairperson: Deanna Palmer


The Property Committee oversees the upkeep and updating of the church building and grounds. The committee often organizes church workdays, sources needed materials and equipment, and arranges for service work when needed.

Becca, Jim, and Jack take on the heat and humidity and get some yardwork done!


Finance Committee    
Chairperson: Siska Hutapea  
Co-Chair: Joe Duenas


The Finance Committee monitors and keeps the Council apprised of the accounting and financial statements of the church. The committee ensures expenses stay within the church budget and advises the congregation on long-term planning.


Worship & Music Committee    
Chairperson: Ben Hardy  
Co-Chair: Esther Rollen


The Worship & Music Committee oversees the content and style of the weekly services as it relates to the season and organizes the appropriate altar and music arrangements.


Evangelism & Stewardship Committee    
Chairperson: Esther Rollen


The Evangelism & Stewardship Committee facilitates the spreading of Christ’s love to those outside the church and ensures the members of the church are able to effectively give of their time, talents, and resources.


Fellowship Committee    
Chairperson: Angie Duenas  
Co-Chair: Margaret Murray


The Fellowship Committee arranges opportunities throughout the year the congregation to get together and to invite others to get to know LCG. Since so many of our members have family elsewhere, our church family serves this important role in our lives.


Youth & Education Committee    
Chairperson: Margaret Murray  
Co-Chair: Angie Duenas


The Youth & Education Committee oversees the Sunday School programming and Youth Group program.


Tender Shepherd Preschool Board    
Chairperson: Rebecca Kim  
Co-Chair: Jodie Nelson


The Tender Shepherd Committee works to support LCG’s preschool ministry and connect it with our congregation and church events.



Lutheran Church of Guam