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Ministries We Support

Ministries that we support!  We are but a part of the worldwide Church and so we want to partner with other expressions of the Church that all the world might know the Christ we know!  To that end, we offer (at a greatly reduced rental) our sanctuary on Sunday afternoons to two others congregations:

  • Guam Vineyard Church meets at 1pm on Sundays, and at a few other times during the week.  How privileged we are to offer a base and hospitality to this mission start!  (
  • The Marshallese United Church of Christ meets at 4pm on Sundays, worshipping God in their unique Micronesian way!  On occasion we join forces with these fellow believers, too, and celebrate that we are family because of having one Heavenly Father.


For many years it has been our practice to tithe our income and so we give away 10% of the tithes and offerings we receive.  Last year this amounted to $16,000 with which we were able to bless the following partner ministries…

  • Pacific Islands University!  We have had a longstanding relationship with this Bible-teaching college here on Guam, preparing Micronesians and others for church and community leadership.  (
  • Pacific Missionary Aviation.! Another longstanding relationship has been our association with PMA.  Providing not only aviation services on Palau and Yap, PMA and its affiliate, Pacific Missionary Fellowship, provides spiritual support through its missionaries and churches, now on Pohnpei and in the Philippines, as well.   (
  • Prison Fellowship!  Ministering to 550 inmates at our Guam Department of Corrections prison, PF offers weekly worship, counseling, Bible studies and a bridge to the outside world when released.  Part of Prison Fellowship International, PF-Guam supports a full-time chaplain and dozens of volunteers, including some from LCG! (
  • Wycliffe Bible Translators!  An international and historic Bible translation society, Wycliffe has an active presence through Micronesia.  We help provide support for translators working to bring God’s Word into the mother tongue of our Micronesian people. (
  • LCMC!  We send a modest contribution annually to support the organization with which we are currently affiliated, Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ.  (
  • Intervarsity Campus Ministry (International Fellowship of Evangelical Students)! Joining our list of partner ministries this year is Intervarsity, an outreach to college students at Guam Community College and the University of Guam. Led by Alex and Danielle Tavarez, Intervarsity offers Bible studies, worship, fun fellowship opportunities and a sense of belonging during the challenging young adult years. (
  • Undesignated Benevolence!  Throughout the year, we become aware of various ministries with various needs behind which we decide to stand.  A pool of funds allows us to help out these other Christ-centered causes.


And, of course, like most congregations, our individual members opt to support a number of other ministries worldwide, as well.  We have been blessed to be a blessing! 

Lutheran Church of Guam