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LCG History & Overview


We are so glad you’ve found our website—and hope you will find us in person soon!


We are an assembly of Jesus-loving people who acknowledge that we are part of a much bigger enterprise: the Christian Church worldwide! While we celebrate our Lutheran heritage, we are not myopic in thinking that our church is the “only” church. In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul writes that “the body is made up of many members.” We are only a small part of that wondrous “body,” the Church, which Jesus established. Jesus Himself is the Head of the Church—and we all have an important role to play!


Established in 1961as a Lutheran Servicemen’s Center, our early outreach was to the military personnel on-island. While we still value those of our armed forces who are a part of our church family, in recent years our congregation has expanded to include believers from all walks of life. We love the cultural diversity within our fellowship—Chamorro/Guamanian, Micronesian, Asian, American, Europeans, Africans and, of course, our military folks! Come and add whoever you are to the mix!



Our Affiliation:

With historic ties to both the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in American, we are currently part of the Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ (LCMC) federation. Several years ago, we decided that the LCMC was a good fit for us theologically. We like the freedom in Christ the LCMC affords while, simultaneously, being rooted in the Holy Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions. Check out the LCMC website if you care to know more about our affiliation.



Our Ministry:

Worship is central at LCG! In the past, we’ve offered two Christ-centered services, one traditional and one contemporary, but since COVID, we only offer one service at 9:30am. Usually this service is “blended,” a combination of traditional and contemporary, but occasionally we’ll offer a fully traditional (liturgical) service and, at other times, a fully contemporary service. If God opens the door to return to a two-service Sunday schedule, we’ll praise Him for that!


Lutheran Church of Guam