Our Leadership
Our Church Council consists of eight elected members plus an adjunct financial secretary. Their job is to see that the mission and life of our congregation remains consistent with Jesus’ teachings. They oversee the staff and chair the various committees of our congregation. We want you to meet these wonderful volunteers! They are...
Joe Duenas
Joe serves very capably as our congregational president, directing the meetings of the congregation and Council with great acumen and finesse. His day job is the Pacific Region Manager for SSFM International, overseeing a variety of engineering projects and traveling off-island a fair amount, as well. Joe is married to Angie and they have five children.

Ben Hardy
Ben serves as our congregational vice president and also heads up our Worship & Music Committee. He’s quite qualified for these tasks since his day job is as the band teacher at Simon Sanchez High School. He plays trumpet beautifully and often directs the band of the Guam National Guard, of which he is a part. Ben recently married Rosa and looks forward to her being able to join him on Guam (from the Philippines) soon.

Siska Hutapea
A lifelong Lutheran (a rarity in our congregation), Siska was born and raised in Indonesia. She is a stellar businesswoman on Guam, being the founder and owner of Cornerstone Valuation Guam, an appraisal company for commercial properties. The widow of Edward, she is the proud mother of five children. Siska aptly chairs our Finance Committee.

Esther Rollen
Married to Jim for 50 years, Esther is the mother of two grow children and grandmother of two. Born to medical missionary parents who served in the Middle East and India, Esther was a professional counselor and still uses her considerable skills in various ways here at LCG. Esther leads the Tender Shepherd staff chapel on Wednesday mornings and chairs our Evangelism and Stewardship Committee.

Margaret Murray
Originally from Ohio, Margaret has taught in the DODEA school system for many years. Currently she teaches SPED children and oversees the SPED program within the military schools. Margaret capable teaches our children’s Sunday School and chairs our Education & Youth Committee. When she’s not working or volunteering at LCG, you can find Margaret walking Guam’s beaches with Toby, her boonie dog adoptee.

Rebecca Kim
Just recently elected to our Council, Rebecca can be seen at most LCG activities, helping wherever needed. Rebecca is currently pursuing a doctoral degree as she teaches at the University of Guam. Her background in educations suits her well as the chairperson of our Tender Shepherd Committee, guiding these precious little ones toward an educated, faithful and fulfilling life. You can find Rebecca on Sunday mornings in our AV booth, running our PowerPoint for worship.

Deanna Palmer
Deanna Palmer has assisted many LCGers and other Guam residents to find their homes, either to rent or buy. She’s a realtor with RE/MAX Diamond Realty. Active in the Guam business community in many ways, Deanna chairs our Property Committee—and we have a substantial property requiring a great deal of upkeep! When she isn’t selling homes or tending to some property matter at LCG, Deanna enjoys playing the flute and contributes significantly to the beauty of our music here at LCG!

Angie Duenas
Angie Duenas chairs our Fellowship Committee—and a more wonderfully hospitable person would be hard to find! Married to Joe and having five children (just one still at home), Angie is also a top-notch realtor, helping countless would-be homeowners and renters to find their dream home on Guam. Whenever there’s a party at LCG—and we have lots!—you’ll find Angie in charge. You’ll have fun!

Ona Hardy
As a youth, Ona ended up on Guam when her military father was assigned here. Not long after, she met and married another musician, Chuck, and together they’ve raised three children and spent their entire working lives on Guam. Ona runs the office of Cruz Associates Pacific and volunteers as our bookkeeper, among many other roles she fills. In a congregation with a lot of turnover, Ona and Chuck may be our longest-term members! She’s a proficient flautist, playing on our Worship Team and with the Guam Symphony.
Chuck Hardy
Recently retired after a lifelong career as the band teacher at Simon Sanchez High School, a position his son Ben now occupies, Chuck is now enjoying golf, raising a garden and traveling back to Wisconsin to spend time with his mother. Chuck is a brilliant musician, playing clarinet and bassoon in the Guam Territorial Band and with the Guam Symphony. He also directs our new Handbell Choir, which contributes special music periodically to our worship services.

Our Staff:
Pastor Andy
Pastor Andy Taylor was born in Texas close to the Mexican border. He went to high school in San Antonio, TX and attended Texas Lutheran University in Seguin, TX. He spent his last year of college in Tanzania, AFRICA as an exchange student. Pastor Andy was blessed to study with many Godly professors at several different seminaries where he learned to value the authority of the Scriptures and the powerful love of our Faithful God. Pastor Andy was privileged to study in Israel with one of his professors for 12 weeks and be immersed in the land of the Bible. Pastor Andy has served a number of congregations in Texas as well as in Fairfax, VA. Pastor Andy is married to his lovely wife, Liz Taylor, who hails from Indonesia. They have 2 beautiful daughters, Abigail and Sophia, who they currently homeschool through a program called Classical Conversations. Pastor Andy enjoys playing volleyball, reading and traveling, just to name a few items on his list. The Taylors are excited to be in Guam and see what adventures the Lord has for them and LCG as we lift up the Name of Jesus!

Andrea Warren
Andrea Warren is our office manager—and what a gem is she! Born and raised on Guam, Andrea knows the culture, is a devout Christian (worshipping at the Church of Christ) and is the hub around which our congregation functions. Want to know what’s going on in the congregation and on-island? Ask Andrea! And as if she’s not busy enough raising two beautiful children, Andrea runs her own cookie business!
Jessame Cruz
Jessame Cruz started out 17 years ago as a teacher’s aide at our Tender Shepherd Preschool but over the years has risen through the ranks and now directs our outstanding preschool ministry. Also born and raised on Guam, Jessame handles the myriad matters of Tender Shepherd with expertise and grace. Jess also is raising two children and whenever she can find a spare moment enjoys dancing.

April Toves (Miss Apple)
April Toves (Miss Apple) is the Assistant Director and K2 Teacher for Tender Shepherd. Born and raised on Guam, Apple lives with her husband, Chris, and four children in the northern village of Dededo. She is a 13 year employee of Tender Shepherd and in her free time, enjoys quality time with her family, going to the beach and listening to calming music.

Fidel Salas
Fidel Salas has served faithfully as our maintenance man for 18 years. Originally from the Philippines, you can find Fidel here five days a week pressure washing, painting, cutting grass, fixing this and tending to that. A faithful Roman Catholic, Fidel is married to Juanita and has two grow children.

Kevin Graham
Kevin Graham has recently returned to LCG as our Worship Team Director. Kevin came to Guam from his native Iowa to attend Pacific Islands University from which he graduated with a degree in Biblical Studies. Married to Diana, Kevin works full-time at his alma mater PIU, as Director of Administration. What a wonderful job Kevin does matching music to text and leading our musicians and congregation in song!

Clara Hardy
Clara Hardy keeps our facility spick-n-span, coming in on Saturdays to clean and again on Sunday evening to make sure everything is spiffy for the start of Tender Shepherd the next morning. Born and raised on Guam, Clara, her parents and older brother are lifelong members of LCG.
Evelyn Quiel and Tara Franquez
Evelyn Quiel and Tara Franquez serve as our very competent pianists, accompanying our Worship Team on scheduled Sundays. What a blessing it is two have two accomplished pianists at the keyboard! Evelyn is a student at the University of Guam and also serves in the Guam National Guam while Tara is a full-time music teacher, provides accompaniment for her Roman Catholic parish (on Saturdays) and is raising the last of her four children.